| lucky the foxx| is stupid |SPOONS|hates Caitlin | dosen't have friends| has no crush|

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Hey I am tom welcome to my dead account and now a q&a

Q: who is your crush
A: No one of corse
Q: what's your real gender
A: um female
Q: what's your real name
A: uhg plz don't Jude Keeley
Q: what's your real age
A: sorry not telling
Q: what is you sexuality
A: bi
Q: when are you ending the q&a
A: now

My friends:
2:Chloe the nugget
5: økay_draws (I hope I really want to be her friend )

My close friends
2:Chloe the nugget
3: strawberrysalty
My fav followers
1: tord❤️
2:Chloe the nugget
3: strawberrysalty
4: minty

Well now to meet my oc's that I have for now
1: me irl
2: tom
3: dark
4: light
5: cricket
6: luck
8: Shiloh
About me : I like to draw but I suck at it I am very sensitive have very bad deperesion and anxiety I have lots of stress I like to be alone in my room talking to my best friend Ryan and drawing on anime maker I collect lps I love to read warrior cats by Erin hunter my fav cat from the books is yellow fang I don't like people Ryan is my only real friend I am in middle school I love to sing me and Ryan know a lot of the same song and like almost the same things I hate my life but Ryan helps me keep going she makes me happy with out her my life would be incomplete I love you Ryan~ I try to kill me self but Ryan also helps me with that I love all of my fam on anime maker I have a dog named dogger he is my baby I... Had a dog baby befor him... And sadly he past away befor his birthday and then I got another... Dog and he was really young he pass from parvo on crismas day any let's not be sad here and yes I do love cats I also love dogs but my fav animal is a fox I have a YouTube channel named Shiloh lps go check it out I post as much as I can when I was a baby my first teeth were my vampire teeth ( creepy ) and my birth date has six six six in it my name Keeley had six letters in it do I like anyone nope I don't need love I have Ryan I like fnafs, Eddsworld, moe Sargi, Aldo's world, Ali, omar goshtv, jewfross, ALBERTSSTUFF I have a dolfine named spoon and that's all the facts about


This all randomness >:3
If you like gay you came to the right place
DONT FORGET TO FOLLOW Tord❤️, strawberrysalty, minty, Chloe the nugget, Caitlin,økay_draws



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