★ N E O S T A R ★ [ Dead Account ]

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Hey guys! It's been a long year/ day. I just wanna let you know that I'm still here. I have moved to another account, I'm so sorry for letting you guys down and abandoning you guys. But.. I hope y'all can somehow forgive me. I am truly sorry about being inactive for a year. We had a great time, and I want you to have one too. Everyone in thier lifetime had great moments, Evil good moments or Good ones.
And I hope you understand me, this is the pathway I choose to be in, please respect it. I wanted a fresh restart and some time with my other friends and followers too. But I can't reach out to all of you. I'm just one kid who just wants to have a great time in this world before death.
This account will stay, and will be left as it should be.
And thank you all for staying with me, I know it's been a really hard year in the past 2 years. But eventually it'll be over.

- 💖 N E O S T A R


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