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( °^•) _🍌 I has banana and I'm not afraid to use it
(°~•)/.__________ 🌮. They took my toco nuuu
...........♥ #######Put This On Your Page#####♥
..............♥##If You Love Someone#########♥
.......................♥ .🎩.
( • - •) />🍜You want my Japanese food?
( • - •)
🍜\\ No my Japanese food
( • . •)
/>🍜 Just kidding you can have my Japanese food
( - _ -)
/>🍜 But just a taste
( >w<)
🍜\\ Jk! You get no Japan food!
( • . •)
/>🍜 Ok Fine! You can have it only if you play Brawlhala with me
what are u looking at pls go away pls
. ∧_∧__
/(´・ω・`) /\
/| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|\/take free 🍬 candy🍬
| |/. 🍫🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍫🍭🍬🍫🍭🍫🍬🍫🍭
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄