The fox god (used to be shadowsight Jr) my old acc got hacked lol (leader of the foxboi clan) member of the midnight club.

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Hello! I am the fox god but yall just call me foxboi ok
My minecraft name is foxgod4449
I'm a lonely boi with no friends

Real name: lukas
Crush: not telling
Likes: chocy, chocy cakes, supportive friends, other foxes, my brother zues, my brother posieden, my brother hades, water, friends, 🌹thestikbotkid🌹, x~tako~x and shadowsight.
Dislikes: haters, mean people, 🌹thestikbotkid haters🌹, x~tako~x haters, shadowsight haters.
Lives: Britain, UK, Swindon, earth, solar system, universe, galaxy.


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