Mr Bandu (part of the red military army*join if u want*)

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I am Mr bambi's brother bandu
(Friends and Favourite followers)
South pump
Totally a crewmate
Yellow among us
Cutie blue
Language: english
Country: 🇬🇧 england
Bullying? Think you're so cool? -The boy you just called chubby? He is on a diet. -The girl you just called horrible face? ... She spends hours putting makeup on hoping the people will like her. -The boy you tripped? He is abused enough. -See that man with the horrible scars? ... He fought for is country. -That guy you just made fun of for crying? ... His mother is dying. -That kid you just made fun of for being bald? ... He has cancer. -Put this on your status if you're against bullying.
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⣶⣿⠿⢿⣶⣶⣦⣄⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
Joe mama
Age: 10


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