❤️AliceAngleplaysroblox❤️is online❤️

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Hello people welcome to the cringe page of the Alice group if you follow me I'll follow back and you can join Alice and friends group!!!!!!!!!!

All about me:

Gender: I'm a girl/female

Personality: nice,kind, a bit rude

Likes: cookies meeting new friend

Hates: bullies

Single: ... Don't wanna talk about it

Roblox account: AliceAngle445


Alice: me/crush:???/lfav color pink and blue

Alice bs: me/crush:???/fav color dark pink and dark blue

Lance: my brother/crush:Caitlin/fav color purple

Alex: my sister/crush: no one/fav color red

Jaylene: Jordan's sister/crush: Rhys/fav color yellow

Jazzy: Jaylenes cousin/crush: no one/is mean/fav color dark baby blue

Jordan: Jaylenes brother/crush: ship him/ fav color blue

Jake: Jordan's brother/crush: ship him/fav color light red

Melanie: Joel's twin sister/crush:???/fav color blue

Joel: Melanie's twin brother/crush: Emma/fav color blue

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