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I am a bandit
My face
0 noob
10 rookie
20 ace
30 bandit
40 pro
60 warrior
69 hero
80 gunner
100 superstar
150 champion
200 diamond warrior
300 grand champion
500 drawer
1000 animator

Bullying? Think you're so cool? -The boy you just called chubby? He is on a diet. -The girl you just called horrible face? ... She spends hours putting makeup on hoping the people will like her. -The boy you tripped? He is abused enough. -See that man with the horrible scars? ... He fought for is country. -That guy you just made fun of for crying? ... His mother is dying. -That kid you just made fun of for being bald? ... He has cancer. -Put this on your status if you're against bullying. (copy and paste)


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