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Hello there!

My name's Zack and I love memes!

I am 16 years old

I love drawing :D

Things I like: Memes, Food, meeting new people, and all of my followers :D

Things I dislike: Meowbahh, Homophobic people, Racists, Pedophiles, And Muslim haters

Fun fact about me: I used to play golf when I was 9

Country I was born in: America

Country I'm living in now: Brunei :D

My goal is to get 69 or more followers

I support LGTBQ+ and new people :D

I follow back everyone except for people that do porn, is homophobic and racist, is a fangirl, and are pedophiles

Me and my brother, Zane are gonna share accounts :D


19 Following     9 Follower