Star 💫 long legs 🕷️🕸️/star 🌠✨alt account

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Hewo everywone too mah alt account, ⭐✨.

----.---------------_----_-----------RulEz: don't hurt my feelings never say bad words on this account ⭐
Do not copy my ocs and art style.
------------thats all lemme show you mah ocs!
Oc list:proxus the cyclops:male (always likes to play:
Duckli::age:12:female: likes to tickle proxus.
Feria:age:22: male (gay to proxus the cyclops:
Rosiex:age:3: randomly is adopted by proxus:

------------------ done with my ocs!. enjoy my beautiful drawin.

my sister is:peach (long legs). .

FAVORITE GAME: poppy playtime chapter 1/chapter 2.

I left this account (if I'm not posting it means I'm not here)


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