Shiro reborn!!

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It is I, Shiro the (former) deer addict
I an a girl
I'm also a minor
DNI if:
1. Support or are abdel
2. Makes weird art (why anyway)
3. Transphobic/Homophobic
4. Racist
I asked Allah (God), “Allah, how much do you love me?” And they stretched their arms so long and died for me. If you believe in Allah, put this in your profile. The Quran (Muslim Bible) says if you deny Allah, Allah will deny you in the gates of heaven. Copy and put this in your profile if you believe in Allah.
This is the simplest test: If you are a good person, copy and put this in your profile.
✨ G o d ~ W i l l ~ S m i l e ~ A t ~ Y o u ✨
Likes:doors, furries, doing things, roblox
Dislikes:Rainbow Friends (srsly its overrated), People who dislike others for who they are
Will add more later i suppose


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