GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Member of the furry/cat club 🐱)

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I logged out of my other account

Pfp by me:3

name : GoodBoyHalo
Age : Unknown
Gender : Male
Likes : Spending Time With My Friends&Family I guess..., BadBoyHalo (my love<3), Jeff as a friend,.... Swearing~ And Fighting!~
Dislikes : No Swearing,No Fighting, Language lmao--,
Bff : BBH

IRL bio:
Name: Nope
Age: lol not yet-
Gender: Female -I guess-
Likes: Stuff?-- for now--
Dislikes: still stuff--
Bff in app: BBH:>
Bff IRL: No-- No--

We’re killing the Earth and that’s really "fun"🍃🍂
No one believes us because we are young🙍‍♀️🙍‍♂️
Our forests are turning to ash in a second🔥🔥🌋
Ask California, they’ll tell you about it🔥

They’ll tell you 'bout how they’ve lost all there homes🏚🔥
While Trump turns a blind eye and tweets on his phone: "Global warming's an expensive little hoax"📰📲
For the last time, this is not a joke🚫

Our factory’s are working and toxins emitting☢⚠️
The Ozone is crumbling and we won’t stop putting Chemicals in what we’re trying to breath🗣💨
Our future in stolen and we are the thieves💲💰

Sea levels are rising and icebergs are melting🌊
The coral reefs are dying and no one is helping🛑
Do you realize they keep the ocean alive?🏖
This started back in 1985🖤

Don’t come to me when your child cant think💭
Of what a tiger is 'cause they're extinct🐅☠
Don’t cry to me when your fur coat ain’t clean👘
The endangered list is now 41,416☠⚠️

Dear 2045,🌏
I don’t think we’re gonna survive☠🔥
If you end up hearing this story📒
I just wannna say: I'm sorry"

If I start to grow close to you I will be pissed off at anyone who hurts you or is mean to you>:/
I might not try to show it unless something wrong-_-
And I might treat you as my child or a dear dear dear.... friend^^
It depends on how close we are though so uh.....

I also have a crush on someone in this app.... I may reveal who soon.

Lmao I'm on this account now

And I love: BadBoyHalo (BBH( -ONLINE-....

Member of the furry/cat club 🐱)

Followers goal :

10 - follower shout outs 4 of em V

20 - contest X

30 - contest X

40 - bio reveal X

50 - voice reveal X

60 - eye reveal X

70 - Follower shout outs 6 of em V

80 - Dares V

90 - big pick a spot:3 X

100 - full face reveal X

200 - YouTube channel reveals-- X

Adopted in-app children: ✨The weird artist ✨️

Callie: h-hello!! [Loves: Cassie]

Siblings Ocs:
Piney: hi [Loves none]
Pino: fuck [Loves none]
Pina: you:3 [Loves none]

??? Ocs:
Mikey: Yooo whats up!!^^ [Loves Mika]


208 Following     124 Follower