Peppermint Da Furry { I like bows! }

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Hello! I'm Peppermint I'm a furry

Name: Peppermint
Gender: girl
Crush: ..idk..
Likes: Bows Soft things and music
Dislikes: Bullies Death and negative stuff
Ocs: Swirl and Void
Siblings: I have a brother
Secret: ..why would I tell you my secret then it wouldn't be secret...ill tell you this there a lot you don't know about me

I'm usally positive but I can be tough if I need to be especially when it comes to bullies and if I start to die my eyes loose color and I can do a bit of magic I dont usally prefere to use it though and my eyes turn black if I'm mad my eyes will also turn grey if I'm sad to

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