Kelper (Member of Thunderclan) (leader of water team) (member of team sussy) (leader of team planets) (member of team letters)

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I’m from United States
Red’s backstory: Red was an ordinary Child in a village. Though he wasn’t the sharpest knife in the box, he would surpass other kids in speed. He had no friends but that wasn’t stopping him from not being happy. Then a new family moved in. They’re Child was practicing martial arts and was learning how to use weapons like swords and knives and even sticks and metal bars. He was blue. Red passed blue’s house one day and he decided to welcome blue into the village. He noticed blue wasn’t in his house. He looked everywhere for him and saw blue being bullied. Red pushed the bullies away and grabbed blue’s hand. Blue was a year older than red. They ran until the bullies stopped chasing them. “Are you okay?” “Yes. Thank you. Nobody has stood up for me before.” “You’re welcome. And can I ask you a question?” “You just did.” “Can I ask you two questions?” “You just did.” “Can I ask you four questions?” “Yes.” “Do you wanna be friends?” “Sure.” “Yay! Thank you.” Red and Blue every day would go to school together and would go on adventures. 10 years later blue is 21 and red is 20. They ran off into the wilderness. Blue was a genius at surviving in the wild and red (again) wasn’t the sharpest knife in the box. Blue taught him everything he needed to know about the wild. They collected berries and farmed animals for food. Basically living the Minecraft life. They then met green hunting a cow. He shot it with a bow and arrow. They went up to him and he surprisingly spoke English. “What do you want?” “We want to form an alliance. Get anybody that you have peace with.”
That’s the end of red’s story.
Blue’s story: Blue was a child who lived in the wilderness far away from civilization. Though he couldn’t read or write, he was an expert in math. He was starting to learn martial arts from his parents. Blue’s parents decided to move to a village. They walked and walked until they saw a village. They saw an abandoned house that still seemed to be in good shape. They got a moving truck to put all their furniture in and then they got to the house. Blue and his parents were moving boxes and couches and other stuff. He noticed someone watching him but he pretended he didn’t. The next day, he was being bullied. Someone grabbed his arm and ran. It was red. You know the rest of the story.
Green’s story: Green lived in an adoption center since he was a newborn. He’s 10 now. Nobody there liked him but the person at the front desk. Idk what they’re called. He spends most of his time watching how animals in the wild survive and make homes. He learned how to dig burrows and he learned how to cover them too. He learned how to make a stone axe and learned how to battle with sticks and rocks. One day, he was being beaten up by bullies. He picked up a stick and pointed it at them. “Haha! What’s a stick going to do?” “This!” Green hit one of them with the stick and started climbing the tree. He got to the top but they were chasing him. He jumped off the tree into a different tree. He then started swinging from branch to branch. He then jumped onto the adoption center and sat down. He jumped back down but the bully’s pushed him. He then saw his axe and grabbed it. They backed away. He then ran away into the wilderness and saw purple then, purple attacked him. He jumped into a tree and kept throwing sticks and stones at him. Purple threw an arrow at him. He then hid in the trees. He swung from a tree and kicked purple. Purple ran away into a lake. Green looked in the water and saw purple come up. He dodged purple’s attack and attempted to shoot him with a bow and arrow. Purple then retreats. He then got hungry and hunted a cow. Then he got the attention of red and blue. Teal’s story is next. I’ll do his later.
Teal was an abandoned child. He collected berries to eat and normally wouldn’t mess with any other animals. He saw a bunch of people running towards him on horses. “It’s them! I have to go.” He started running but he got shot with a tranquilizer. He woke up in a jail cell. There were many other people in jail cells. 10 years spent in prison have gone by. He is now 21. He is fed fruit’s every day. He’s secretly been planning an escape. Part 2 soon.
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YT channel: Kelper
Friend account: Animallover777
2nd YouTube Channel: Trappist
Members in water team:
Firestar (leader of thunderclan) (member🌲 of tree club🌲)
Members in Team planets
Soar was made through gases and hydrogen and tiny bits of helium. One day, a rouge red dwarf star entered the system. And then, Soar was the farthest planet. Soar was bigger and had more mass than the red dwarf. They collided. This collision could be seen from Snowball. The smallest planet in their system. Once it cooled down, it was really big. Bigger than some stars.


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