hello if you have been followed by me please read the bio/message

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tomorrow all of abdels slaves/members of discord will be cyber threating animemaker. if you dont know what a cyber threat is its when many users start hacking/doxxing/doing other disturbing things to a website/app.. abdel has up to 900 members in total..
we recommend you to not come on animemaker tomorrow and hide all your personal information on your bio (for those who give out their social) and maybe delete animemaker.
what will happen you ask?
there will be gore pics, unholy pics, scat pics, doxxing, hacking, ip grabbing, ip sharing to random people and spamming porn on specific accounts.. (like yours for example)
please spread this to friends, relatives, theres a chance you will become whats on this list and do not interact with any of the alt accounts.. thank you for reading


28 Following     10 Follower