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💛Online but doing something
🤍Lazy means I don't have time to answer
🧘in peace
🚶I went out
🧖taking a bath
🍎I'm sorry if I didn't answer you
🍕eating food
📴My phone is either turned off or I don't have internet
📱Working on the phone (Makar anime is not)
Well, please follow and like if you like my paintings
I try to draw pictures that you like🥺
Now let's go to:👇
❤️:Not good
🧡:a little good
💙:very good
💚:very very good
Now a number:👇
5/10:not good
6/10:a little good
9/10:very good
10/10:very very good
😐🥺Don't forget to like and follow, pay attention to the signs and goodbye

4 跟随     11 追随者