Black rainbow friend

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Yes, I change my name because I never really like the name EV but I’m still really bad at art and I know everyone else is getting dark. Do you know how I am looking down on myself? I don’t worry, so are you say sound like good heart you’re in there it’s because I’m taking art lessons so you can do one but you know why I’m feeling whiny and this is wrong my new girl because I’m gonna make a new OC to draw eyes yet but I started watching rainbow friends so now I love it my style basically together so hopefully I grow more because I’m taking art lessons, but you don’t have to follow me because you’re heartbroken how I’m treating myself and you don’t have to do like any of those like you think I just wanna sure you feel like you want to you want to do it in your information today is have fun with your life my family’s divorce, so I’m a teenager so don’t worry about me I’m doing good so have a good day of your life why are you stuck here? Also, I do you like any of the OCs I make because if you don’t, I’m gonna make them better OK thank you call me comment your suggestions if you want.

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