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Hello! I am part of The Elements Quartet! I hope you enjoy my account page!
(TEQT stands for The Elements Quartet)
Country: United States
Gender: Male
Again, TEQT stands for The Elements Quartet
I am a member of the TEQT and I am an Onion! I have other friends such as Sun, Water, and Cacti!
I hope you enjoy my page! I will be posting daily usually, but maybe not to much for right now, as I will be working on some special content to bring to you! Meanwhile, you can find me on Sunnys Page! (☠️ T.E.Q & B.F.P ☠️)
Have a very good day! and Bye for now!
Genders of friends:
Cacti = Female
Sun = Male
Water = Female
Onion (me) = Male