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That’s my fav my ice cream 🍨
I post once a day but who cares I’ve said too much..!!!
I shouldn’t have signed up on this app cause o heard ppl here were terrific sometimes.
I’m just a cool twitchy high school girl cause well I switch a lot !!
That’s why I chose my name cause my twist is changing OC all the time XD 😝
Ik ppl talk about things on t or d games so imma tell y’all a my last t or d game.
I said my first kiss that was a very cute guy called Toby (rlly cute btw). I think we’re a couple now.
Bruh who cares then I did a spin bottle part which was to kiss a guy called Steve
He’s cute but not my type of boy anyways he’s dating this girl called DJ (Donna Joe)