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Adding old desc later when I feel like it (it's too long and it needs a rework aughhhh)
For now have the lyrics section I liked to do.

Guys wait until summer break, that's when I actually start being really active (no seriously, last summer was awesome. I just wish I had another break that gave me motivation like that).

Fun time! 😀 Free time! 😄🔗
Mix it all up, put on a show 🎪
Implode! 🔅 Explode! 🔆
Mix it all up 'cause it's made of code 🌐
Fun time! Free– ⛓️🏖⛓️
Mix it all up put on a s- 🎠
Implode! 💥 Explode! 🌋
Mix it all up 'cause it's made of- 🗃


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