mr london//Mister DEMI. Secondary account

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Hello welcome to my second account Filled with all types of stories , This account is only used for stories

Anyone is welcome to follow this account and my other one , it's the same name. I have two accounts

My name is , Mister london , Professor
Age ##
American 🇺🇲🇺🇳
I am a really nice person
I am a christian I believe in the lord 🙏
Roblox account, general DOUGLAS
I love making cartoons and animations. That's why I chose this app
My favorite animals are dogs fox wolf cats deers bears kuala bears Pandas. Eagles monkeys
my favorite insect bug \ Reptiles
A moth Bees. Spiders. Ladybugs
Lizards Snakes turtles
I love drawing stuff about different games

Fundamental Paper Education
Favorite Character. MR DEmi
He is a very strange character

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