Soul the dragon

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Hi I'm soul
Q:How old are you ?
A: my OCs age is 19
Q: do you like pancakes ?
Q: do you like waffles ?
A: yes !
Q: do you like French toust
A: YESS * eats some *
Q: do you have a lover ?
A: no not yet
Q: do you have a sempie ?
A: no not yet
Q: do you have a crush ?
A: no
Q: are you a boy or girl ?
A: girl
Q: are you straight ?
A; hmm hard question
Q: do you like sin ?
A: hmmm MABEY I've never done it
Q: do you have a best friend ?
A: well not yet
Q: favored colors ?
A: sky blue, diamond light and white
Q: favored food ?
A: tocos
Q: do you hate pizza ?
A: I'm not answering that
Q: did this account have another name?
A: yes it was raven the wolf
Q: can I draw you ?
A: YES :3
Q: can you draw me ?
A: sure :3
Q: can we be friends ?
A: HELL YA ! :3
Q: can I have your body ?
A: uhhh if your my sempie then yes :3
Q: do you like the Lenny face ?
A: yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also I'm very sweet and I love to make friends but if you don't like my drawing keep your hate of the other side of this account aslo I whould love it if we became friends


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