Experiment 419 ( Xeno )

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Hello I'm Experiment 419 here's some info about me

Name: Experiment 419 but you can call me Xeno
Crush: none
Gender: Girl
Likes: Animals,
Dislikes: Water,Bullying,War,Ect
Fears: Water

I was an experiment of Dr K If I wasn't in my cell then I was in the testing lab I would have wires attached to my body and needles stuck inside me but after awhile I got used to it but it still hurt...I was always isolated unlike the other experiments some of the experiments were not very uh well ... Social I was never very social with the others they would be in a cage with small windows so they could talk to eachother and some would even share the same Cell but the experiments like me had an isolated cell cuz I didn't get along with the others I would bite or scratch them if they got to close I guess it was fear that caused this....or mabey it was just the way I was made that causes me to do this..


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