♬Serenity the galaxy Deer☆

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Heya I’m changing my name XD =3 =D (name changed already btw this is galaxy wolf if you were use to my old name)

Galaxy wolf:Female,age unknown,breed:wolf,demon,vampire
Jacece:Male,age near 17,Breed:Fox,demon,
Bear-y Boo:male,age 14OR15,Breed:bear,fairy,

Galaxy wolf:Dominant,kind,leader,helpful,fun,wild
Jacece:Dominant,short temper,shy,quiet,nice,immature
Bear-y Boo:Submissive,sweetheart,gentle,social,silly,always happy? XD

(their crushes ect dont have to be my ocs) Crushes:
Galaxy wolf: I’m pretty independent own my own
Jacece: i a-- huh?
Galaxy wolf:hmm seems to be a prob jace?
Bear-y boo: hehe
Jacece:NO!? Nothing not at all ;//-//;
Galaxy wolf:well okay (smiles) go on what you were about to say hehe
Jacece:folds arms& looks down)n-n-nevermind 0//^//0
Bear-y boo: hehe poor thing well idk if i am or not but i am open to wuuv <33
Galaxy wolf: heh good thinking bear :3

(The next topic is more about their sexuality's ect so if you dont like stuff related to it dont read it XDD)

Galaxy wolf:good question hmmm
Jacece: i already know my answer
Bear-y boo:saame
Galaxy wolf:well go ahead then XD
Jacece: i am pansexual :p my story for why will be when yall have answered
Bear-y boo:ooooh XD i am Straight-sexual! (stands proudly)
Galaxy wolf&Jacece: bust out laughing)
Bear-y boo: well nawt straight-sexual >^< im straight XD there is da bettter?
Galaxy wolf&Jacece: Yea (still laughing)
Galaxy wolf: i guess im pan aswell like chu Jace

xDD More info about their sexuality's or their story why:
Jacece: im open to both genders but not as much on females -.- i just dont trust them as much ig you could say..
Galaxy wolf:mine is similar to Jace's im open to both but i prefer male over women just bc -w-
Bear-y boo: well my story i---
Jacece&galaxy wolf: lol your sexuality already explains Bear!?? xDD
Bear-y Boo: 0.0 Ooooh oki :3


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