☃︎∘슬픈 음료∘☃︎

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I am an edgy child. Also known by, depressed coffee. Enjoy my sad art.
Name: Uhhh “슬픈 음료”? It means “sad drink”.

Gender: ⚥

Sexuality: ☁︎Bisexual☁︎

Art quality: Anime maybe,edgy stuff,colorful,terrible :p

Favorite show:

Favorite band(s): Greenday,The Offspring,Marcie’s Playground,The White Stripes

Favorite draws: I like to draw birds or humans

Color: black or teal

Animal: birds or giraffes :)

Fandom(s):Anime/Manwha in general.

Tay Fow- a young boy that has been through a lot. / partner: Kevin

Bon Hwa- a popular-worshiped man with a dirty secret. / partner:

Heidi Yoon- a petite woman with a deficiency of the left eye. / partner:

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