delta echo alpha delta.

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golf oscar

alpha whiskey alpha yankee.....

stop giving out false information. i never said i hated you. that’s why i’m gone. IF you let me EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED, maybe we wouldn’t be in this situation right now. IF you had hope, and waited, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now. IF YOU EVEN CARED I WOULDVE TOLD YOU THAT I FORGOT MY PASSWORD FOR SNAPCHAT AND OLIVIA JUST TOLD IT TO ME AFTER I POSTED SHIT ON HERE.

.-- .... -.-- -.. .. -.. -.-- --- ..- -.. --- - .... .- - .-- .... -.-- -.. .. -.. -.-- --- ..- -- .- -.- . -- . -... . .-.. .. . ...- . - .... .- - -.-- --- ..- .... --- .--. . -.. ..-. --- .-. .. - .-- .... -.-- -.. .. -.. -.-- --- ..- .-.. . .- ...- . .-- .... -.-- .-- --- -. - .. -... . - .... . .-. . .-- .... -.-- .-- --- -. - -.-- --- ..- .- -. ... .-- . .-. .-- .... -.-- .-- --- -. - -.-- --- ..- .... . .-.. .--. -- . .-- .... -.-- .-- --- -. - -.-- --- ..- -... . - .... . .-. . .. - .... --- ..- --. .... - -.-- --- ..- .-- . .-. . ... --- -- . --- -. . . .-.. ... .

i’m sorry. the person your currently viewing on their profile has been destroyed. inside out. sorry for the inconvenience-

oh i deleted this app by the way. and some other apps.


7 フォロー中     19 フォロワー

  delta echo alpha delta.

don’t ever talk to me again.

cool. i’m listening to dubstep

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

don’t ever talk to me again.

but yeah. how’s your day going?

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

don’t ever talk to me again.

oh nothing. just some stuff happened that i found out about like 8 minutes ago or so.

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

i’m freakin leaving

so wait. do you remember it? if you don’t, it’s ‘ anabelle (rose emoticon) cordova’ ;w;

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

i’m freakin leaving

i know devin took my freakin account but i blocked him out. so it’s still the same thing ;-;

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

i’m freakin leaving

you can add me on snapchat ;w;

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

Thanks chu guys

you have snap right? ;w;

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

Thanks chu guys

i’m all over the place with my life right now to be honest.. i’m kinda lonely ;-;

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

Thanks chu guys

can i just talk to you for a moment. sorry if i’m being rude or something ;w;

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

Thanks chu guys

hey ;-; im sorry about all that happened. and congrats on 540+ followers!

6 years ago   返信
  delta echo alpha delta.

wHy dO yOu iGnOrE mE?!

I have never been so happy in my life! *slowly starts to dance awkwardly*

6 years ago   返信