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Hi I'm missy Age 13 Gender girl Sexualty straight Bf..... Likes pizza cats carrots Dislikes myself
73 跟随 74 追随者
You try to sit next to her but she says no.
Fake slip and fall on her
I was stabbed in the nose
Help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help
Casino rp?
Vix: Kaliko May not be strong in strength or physically.
you came wipe me if I miss behave, it's just that no one makes me feel this way
Your an inspiration to me I like your art ('u')
Ok good
Please tell me if we are still dating
Glowing eyeballs
But are we still dating
Clothing dare one
Wtf was that sound
Clothes dares?
Im getting a lil annoyed and sad at people who say they have no friends
Heh I have like 4 friends
She looks.....cool....
I can't sleep bc sometimes brookie talks to me and I don't wanna miss it ;-;
Good I don't like crop tops
Idk anymore
Heh kill me
Heh I don't think my gf loves me anymore if she does she's not showing it ;;_;;