I try to animate.. but i just cant what the f is wrong with me?!

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Hello! My name is Vuyiswa Nxumalo.I am from Southern Africa.. I am 10 years old. My birthday is on 30 June. My fav colour is red. I like pizza and ribs and I am in sixth grade.
Hobbies:I am a pianist at the SCU in my country.
Talent(s):Art,music,running and.. uh.. yeah
Dont judge ne for what i am and Who i am bcoz i wouldnt do that to YOU.

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  I try to animate.. but i ju...


She didnt get stabbed 30387667421087 times..

6 years ago   Reply
  I try to animate.. but i ju...


I was afraid that everyhthig would be fast and u wouldnt be able to see what was going on

6 years ago   Reply
  I try to animate.. but i ju...


Who gave me the other one

6 years ago   Reply
  I try to animate.. but i ju...


Shadow!! Thanks hun

6 years ago   Reply
  I try to animate.. but i ju...

Snake bite.

Cant you at least show the snake biting you

6 years ago   Reply
  I try to animate.. but i ju...


Thank you whoever gave me stars❤

6 years ago   Reply