I am the (no longer) depressed loser..........Lily animates •^• 2

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Lily her senpai (husband) is Bonnie song: Royals
Lime song: ???
Alice she is bisexual song: ???
Shadow song: Take a hint
Dave song: Attention
David song: ????
Lemon is engaged to Echo he is gay (Ember's oc) song: Thunder
Denise is a ghost is with polly she is bisexual song: What About us
Cutie is with Zip she has her demon self separated from her Insane Cutie song: Sorry not sorry
Sugar her older bro is Sweet and lil sis is Sweetie and is the mom of Leafy & Grey (was raped by Garrett & Fang's dad Fabian) song: (any love song)
Katie is a ghost
Sweetie likes Coal (Ember's oc) her older bro and sis are Sweet and Sugar
Roxy is with Flame (Lime's oc)
Smile is with Maskie
Max is back with Gingerbread
C. Lily
Jacob is gay
John is a ghost
Charlie (girl) is with Lunar she is bisexual(Cinnamonbun's oc)
Jake is with Snow (Rowa's oc)
Sweet Sweetie and Sugars older brother
Shelly has a crush on Mowani
Insane Cutie is married to Dark (Lime's oc) is very close friends with Insanity
Hannah is a lesbian
Stormie has a crush on Fabian
Leafy her mom is Sugar her dad is Fang her bro is Grey
Grey his mom is Sugar his dad is Fang his sis is Leafy
Lapis sis is Diamond
Diamond sis is Lapis
Maxine Max's sis
Insanity is very close friends with Insane Cutie
Favorite YouTubers
Kubz Scouts
Bijju Mike
Yandere Dev
Azz man


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  I am the (no longer) depres...

I'm bored

Max: meet my sis Maxine!//Maxine: hey

6 years ago   回复
  I am the (no longer) depres...

I need 1 person for my sleep with me meme

Yes plz I don't want you in the meme bc if you seen it...

6 years ago   回复
  I am the (no longer) depres...

Dark side

C. Lily: now this is someone I might like

6 years ago   回复
  I am the (no longer) depres...

Which creepypasta?

Nuu Pinkamena is "Life is a party"

6 years ago   回复
  I am the (no longer) depres...

Lily's dare

Liky: well it's not like I haven't seen that before.. *blushes really bad & winks at him*

6 years ago   回复
  I am the (no longer) depres...

Which creepypasta? 2!

YASS SALLY WILLIAMS!! it is so sad the story I read was that she was raped and murdered by her Uncle Johnny

6 years ago   回复
  I am the (no longer) depres...

Karma: rar war ra -hi I'm karma-

Leafy: yu hub sug -wanna be friends?-

6 years ago   回复
  I am the (no longer) depres...

Lily's dare

Diamond: *pants Bonnie & flys away real fast*

6 years ago   回复