Mrs.BLoOdY mc. ThrOat sLiT

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My soul and life will never part..
I'll now decay from a Broken heart..
Are you happy now grim?


8 フォロー中     66 フォロワー

  Mrs.BLoOdY mc. ThrOat sLiT


I little DEATH never hurt anybody... Well, unless i killed them...

6 years ago   返信
  Mrs.BLoOdY mc. ThrOat sLiT

My friend’s dad was 5 mins away from a tornado....I’m praying for her

Question: why are you telling the internet this? Half of us aren't going to believe you. And the half the will aren't good people, they just portend to be. why not tell a family member?

6 years ago   返信
  Mrs.BLoOdY mc. ThrOat sLiT

You found one of five lamps! You earned 2+ Lampnesss!

Make your own action or i'll spam you with this message!

6 years ago   返信
  Mrs.BLoOdY mc. ThrOat sLiT


I didn't think you liked me

6 years ago   返信