Fnaf! Lime: :3 / Me: it's cute
Wait how is my account wolf or is this me?
She was jealous just because I was friends with foxy and she thought I was his girlfriend :/
Fnaf! Lime: :3 / Me: it's cute
Just some information: I'm getting a new account called Lily The Animatronic so please follow it so u don't miss any animations!
Where Fnaf! Lime and his friends live
This is ally the fox this is Mimi the chicken and that's all!
Where Fnaf! Lime and his friends live
Lily: *comes in and intruduces herself and her friend* hi I'm lily this is Layla the bunny this is ally th
Where Fnaf! Lime and his friends live
Lily: *walks in broken* hi... Can me and my friends stay here our place got burned down *everyone goes to tears except for lily*
What via been called in highschool
Cause of what I've been called
What via been called in highschool
I accidentally put via in the title it's actually I've