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Well hewwo there! Im a ghost Gender: Female Bf: Kyle ^\\^ Best friends: Rose :3 I have not a really good life but i like when i am a ghost :3
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:Takes breaths://Rose:Gets stuck in box:
You rose sister right?
Hewwo nugget love rose ?
Srry ;w;
But i stil tell him x3
I think so :/
Where is codex? I need to tell him that you have a baby >:3
You have a baby!!!
Oh :(
Where Cookie? :<
She just was hit the wall i think that why blood comes out of her head
does anyone want this?
. . . * hugs he*
Ghosty: Hewwo!
*kisses him again* •\\\\\\\•
^\\^ *blushes blue*
I can draw now :3 *kisses him*
I gtg to school soon someone kill me
Bye cookie and rose ;(