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Pee-ka-BOO! Heehee! Did I get you? Well anyways, I'm Elizzabeth, and I'm a butterfly! You can call me Lizz or Lizzy or Elizz. I'm bi-sexual. I like to fly around! I am 10! -- BFFS: Lssacat & Lucy
4 跟随 7 追随者
For ElizzabethTheButterfly
Should I stop with the gore?
Who wants me to draw you like a cute plushy
U hate insane_ Tori u die
But I'm your son..you already killed me. Just set me up for adoption, neither you OR mommy care about me anymore..
I don't get it why are u even hateing on insane_ Tori she's a good person
The eyes and handwriting are the same
I'm balloon boy
For child abuse! :)
Or you'll go to jail
Well I'm ur son so be nice
Fuck off ElizzabethTheButterfly
The bodies are almost identical
Are the same
The eyes
The winner is.....
I hope she goes to hell
Tori is a fucking bitch
For the draw with your left and right hand challenge
Ew this is ugly but not uglier than your face
I suck at challenges and pick a spots why do I even bother? I CANT EVEN DRAW PROPERLY ANYMORE IM SO SAD! I HATE YOU INSANE TORI YOU MADE MY LIFE WORSE!
I mean my hands are shaking really badly and I'm crying in the corner of my room wondering where my life went downhill..
I have challenge Draw your main of with your left and right hand