Bad karma

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I like turtles and fishhhhh

17 Following     31 Follower

  Bad karma


Bad karma: again? Darn

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma


Dis stuf is juicy

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Dares for Kandy?

Kiss your crush or if you don't have one a stranger

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

For GG

I have not seen you in a long time friend

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

No hugging in the halls~

Have you ate or is that to tight for you ( I'm sorry it is great jk)

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Going to the fair bye bye! :3

I will miss you too bye

5 years ago   Reply
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Going to the fair bye bye! :3

Is anyone forcing you

5 years ago   Reply
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Going to the fair bye bye! :3

NOOOOoOOOOOO!!!! Who am I going to talk to now :.(

5 years ago   Reply
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Sam: (^ w ^)

Np call me any time you need a compliment

5 years ago   Reply
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ÆDTRÎKT:I got some new tattoos:’-)

Hotties are not tattoos :/

5 years ago   Reply
  Bad karma

Sam: (^ w ^)

Pretty dress I love it ^ ^

5 years ago   Reply