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Hi. Hows it going, Iโ€™m back.
Tiktok Art Account: Careless...Caribou...Art
ACAB!!! All this violence makes a statement!!
Name: Zen
Age: 13
Pronouns: They/Them
Fandoms: Danganronpa, Homestuck, Your Turn To Die, Lore Olympus
Kins: Equius Zahhak, Horuss Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Hajime Hinata, Gundham Tanaka, Gonta Gokuharu, Kaito Momota, Ibuki Mioda,
other info: obsessed with homestuck and monster energy drinks. I ๐™จ๐™ž๐™ข๐™ฅ for nepeta, the makaras and the nitrams๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

been here since 2016 baby
and Iโ€™m obsessed with serial killer documentaries

183 Following     139 Follower


Party rp lol

this took a nice turn. and we killed Dy XDDDD))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zamer: yeeeeeessssss.....? *Has her hair in her mouth* || Zame: wait a secOND. wHys hE hErE. || Wip: H-h-hi Z-Zame. || Zamer: dun touch him bitc-

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zame: *on zyphers head* ZAY. || Zamer: sHiT!!!! WIP HELP. *Jums behind Wip* || Wip: oh crap. | Jai:hhhhhhhh-

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zamer: I fuckin dare you. *hic* || Wip: preeety sure theyre gonna kill me. and you. Zame already deoznt lile me so sHIT. || Jai: i hate everythong abput this--

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zamer: Bish u aint mah dad. || Wip: *hiding behind a counter* I suggest listeningggggg.

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zamer: put me the hell down. || Wip: *Bacls away slowly* ;>; || Jai:hhhhhhhh- *Has already drank 5 beers*

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol


6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zamer: Pedo. || Wip: what he hell. || Jai: *in background wishing he was dead*

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zamer: hi jackieeeeee.... your not gonna tell my dads are youuuu... || Wip: ;<;

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Jai: *Stands up and walks to a corner* ;>; || Wip: im dead. || Zamer: your dEAD? MY DADS GONNA BEAT MY ASS!!! oh wait.. uh.. *Waves* hiiii...

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Wip: -3-"' || Jai: ;<; || Zamer: shitshitshitzhitshitshit

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zamer: Wip hide me.. *Jumps behind Wip* || Wip: hhhhhhh-

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zamer: ShIt.*Hic* || Wip: -3-" uh. hi.. || Jai:

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

hey dy hope u dont mind. Someones comin. :p also Zamers ginna get grounded XD))

6 years ago   Reply

A flock of ron.

XD Commented animes. Zamer is probs grounded for life. XDDDD

6 years ago   Reply

Pick a spot - Mistletoe

I look like im about to stab someone. its perfect XD

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

fAlSe AlArM.)) Zamer: mmmmmmmmmnnnnoooooooo *hic* || Wip: Oh shit your dads are gonna KILL ME!!!!!! || Jai: *Looks at his drink and drinks a bit* ((JAI GON GET DRUUNKKK BBIISSSHHHH))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

XDDD Brb pizaaaaa :0))

6 years ago   Reply

A flock of ron.

jackie theres an issue. we need parental assitance. ZaMeR mAy Or MaY nOt HaVe GoTtEn dRuNk.... ((dun kill me k XD))

6 years ago   Reply