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Hi. Hows it going, Iโ€™m back.
Tiktok Art Account: Careless...Caribou...Art
ACAB!!! All this violence makes a statement!!
Name: Zen
Age: 13
Pronouns: They/Them
Fandoms: Danganronpa, Homestuck, Your Turn To Die, Lore Olympus
Kins: Equius Zahhak, Horuss Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Hajime Hinata, Gundham Tanaka, Gonta Gokuharu, Kaito Momota, Ibuki Mioda,
other info: obsessed with homestuck and monster energy drinks. I ๐™จ๐™ž๐™ข๐™ฅ for nepeta, the makaras and the nitrams๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

been here since 2016 baby
and Iโ€™m obsessed with serial killer documentaries

183 Following     139 Follower


Party rp lol

Jai: *Sits up* hhhhh- *Stands up* need sleeeep. but need to stay awakeeeeennnnn..- -///>///0

6 years ago   Reply


HANA. *jumps off of jackiss head onto hers* AaAaAA

6 years ago   Reply


buDdIz *clingz onto jackeh*mmmmmm

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

19 XD)) Jai:nnnnnnnnn-- *The beer in his head kicks him*ack- -//<//- ((u gon liek wat i has planned nnn owo))

6 years ago   Reply

Me and Serenity: Gn

night -w- sweet dremz

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Jai: my freakin head is kiilling me. ((probBly because your drunk jai ever thought of thaat--))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

my hands have garlic all iver thwm gesususgusgeusguegs))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Jai: nnnH-*Hic*-Hi,

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

milk didnt agree with my body.)) Jai: *Still on the floor Staring at the cealing* -<-"

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

CrI ok cris aside.. time to RP. ))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

SRRY Stomach startd hurting cri))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Jai: *still lying on the floor* ((not gonna let this RP Die n0w dY.))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

XD this was a greT turn of evemts. i had somethkng in mind for Jai and Peachie doe. but i guess Dy is dead so. ;<;))

6 years ago   Reply

A pissed off, zypher

;<; hesfriggin scary.

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zamer: Hmph. || Zame: *Gives Wip a deah stare and then follows bwhind* || Wip: 0-0" OH LOOK AT THE TIME GOTTA GO BYEEEE || Jai: THE DEMONS ARE GKNE FINALLY: i mean oh no..?

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

jm just waitkng to look at he home page and see a pic of Zypher pissed as shit XD))

6 years ago   Reply

Party rp lol

Zame: boi wrtf. || Zamer: -<-" || Wip: welp. im gonna die today. || Jai: *In tje corner dying* hhhhhhhhHHHHHHHH--

6 years ago   Reply