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It took me like like 2 mins to make that and that misprinounciation was intentional
Top 10 Worst things in the World
Number (11) Everyone:"Oh no!" Kool-Aid Man:"OH YEAH!"
People say to me I should care about my health instead of others health but..
If you do that to people who hate you they might use that kindness to manipulate you into believing their bs and 1.Screw you over when you wont expect it or 2.Do their dirty work and become a pawn of theirs
People say to me I should care about my health instead of others health but..
Why do you care about other peoples problems which assisting them with only gets in the way of your life and wastes time
Ok what is up with all these people posting themselves getting hurt or covered in blood
Yeah i agree they need to show them being hurt not just after they were hurt thats why my content is so demented
I Bought three dots today but one of them disappeared
I might have not denied that i did'nt not sell it on Ebay