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Jax - main oc sex: f lesbian
Moxie - side oc sex: f straight
August - fan oc sex: f straight
don’t ask for art requests unless I make it CLEAR I’m doing them. If you ask spontaneously, I’m ignoring you.
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I’ll leave the app now
-dabs in 2019???-
Are you still gonna call me shit?
This is the most notifications my phone has ever gotten and it’s not having a good time
So what did I miss?
Or as my Spanish teacher taught me, GIVE ME THE CHANCLA
This is so sad Alexa play lancers theme
That’s why my name is....yeah
There’s a troll so I’m trolling them back
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Call me shit and youll get somthing
August is actually an innocent bean she isn’t evil
Another new character Agtha!
Nahhhh I’m pretty sure it’s August
I’m not troll!
Yeah downloading this app was a mistake
Welcome to AnimeMaker, where art thieves, fangirls and trolls thrive!!
Am doing nothing!!
Oh they don’t know what sarcasm is, oops
I’m surprised she didn’t go for Jax first lol
Totally yours, yup, everyone believes you hun
I’m just gonna star this ironically