Black ocean

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  Black ocean

If you're a furry or you love furries then join the furry army now

Yay, I am now in it... pfff Taylor is so stooooopid!

5 years ago   Reply
  Black ocean

4 eyes you should use

Am not that proud of number 4

5 years ago   Reply
  Black ocean

First post

You did good on your first post!

5 years ago   Reply
  Black ocean

Dare 1


5 years ago   Reply
  Black ocean

I feel like quitting..

Please.. don’t go. God didn’t make us to leave the world and.

5 years ago   Reply
  Black ocean

I feel like quitting..

NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! PLEASE... please... don’t let one person *cough* Taylor *cough* let you down... gods made us to live, not to give up on life, please can you fight it...please...

5 years ago   Reply
  Black ocean

I did this all because I wanted hate

Hate: I won’t hate this person| me: but... they want it!| hate: no| also me: end me... now.

5 years ago   Reply
  Black ocean

Now I feel so stupid..

I will kill Taylor... plus please don’t listen to her. You are beautiful inside! I just know it. Taylor oh she is hard inside just like a stone.

5 years ago   Reply