Moon Star Cat

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I’m Moon star cat you can just call me Moon
I’m both genders actually
I have not much friends
I like to edit A LOT
It’s takes me a while now but I edit better than before...

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  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Eh I’m fine with that -gets to the front of the building-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-holds his hand and runs to the theaters-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

That~ “do you get scared easily” thing?

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Is that why you keep asking me that question?

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Mind: today is so cheesy...-covers face blushing crazy-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-blushes- y-your fine

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-pushes him- pshhhh not

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

mumbles: f—- f—- f——

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-tackles him and licks his neck- mind: pay back... -stares at the wall- mind: WHY DID I DO THAT?!-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Mind: oki now imma mock him...

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-Ears go down and blushes-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Oki -puts my hands in my pockets-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-licks his face and winks-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

falls of his back and into the couch-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Jumps on his back-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

Mind: I’m gonna mock him...-

5 years ago   Reply
  Moon Star Cat

Rp w/ Moon starts here

-laughs- Nope not good enough -stands up puts and swings tail- come at me...

5 years ago   Reply