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Do u liek Memes?
Should that be a question?
Have a nice day (#•w•#)

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Female and male deadly!

Iris: omg r u a vore snake o-o // *nudges Iris on the arm* AhEm

5 years ago   Reply

Female and male deadly!

*falls to the ground* fuck.. :'> // Iris: You motherfucker =>=

5 years ago   Reply

Female and male deadly!

:D *slaps him across the face* huehuehuehue

5 years ago   Reply

Female and male deadly!

Fuck you too :3 *sticks middle finger up at M!deadly*

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Tord: *gives Black night a piggyback ride* Uwu // Dice: *sees bushes move and walks to them* ..?? // Autumn: Hmm? o-o

5 years ago   Reply

Dice doesn't understand winter xD

If u are pure child u will rather not know, trust me :'>

5 years ago   Reply

Female and male deadly!

*shoves M!deadly* Hehehehheheheheheheh :D

5 years ago   Reply

Dice doesn't understand winter xD

Uhhh...I'd rather not describe it ":>

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Tord: hehe ^v^" // Dice: *hears something* ?? *slowly backs away from dragon to not wake her up and looks around* ... // Autumn: uwu

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Dice: ..?? *rubs eye and yawns quietly* // Autumn: ;//w//;" *squeaks* // Tord: *sticks tongue out and makes a fart noise with mouth* :p

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

:'DD)) Autumn: *giggles* // Tord: Hehe! >:3 // Dice: *twitches* ..

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Autumn: *hugs back* >\\w//< // Tord: *picks Black night up* >:D Hah!! *cuddles her* // Dice: Ok uwu *snuggles and closes eyes* ..

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Autumn: o//w//o !! // Tord: *hugs back* -v- // Dice: *yawns again* y-yeah.. *rubs eye*

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Autumn: Good uwu // Tord: *smiles* :> // Dice: *yawns*

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Autumn: *looks around* Uhhh...seems safe? •w•" // Tord: Well, fuck you too, bitch. ù3ú // Dice: I guess. ;w; *hugs*

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Tord: o_o" oh hi.. *throws her down onto the ground* // Dice: *giggles too* ;/w/; // Autumn: Yeah, sure *grabs Gingers hand and walks out of the tunnel*

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Dice: >\\\\< *squeaks a little* // Autumn: *smiles and slightly blushes*

5 years ago   Reply

Here what Dice looks like now, Pandora :p

Tord: hmm.... *grabs Rivers hair and holds her up by hair*

5 years ago   Reply

Oooooof ship art. DragonxDice

You wanna continue the rp in the other anime? :D

5 years ago   Reply

Oooooof ship art. DragonxDice

I would think so xD 1016!??

5 years ago   Reply