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Hi im new to this so plz don’t jugde I love Anime My favorite color is purple Name:Yandere/YanderePurpleFoxy I love to Ship things but I won’t get too crazy:D
5 Following 3 Follower
This guy won’t stop bugging me! He wants me to be his gf!
Do you want me to burn someone?
If I never existed ,
Dares or requests *clothing dares?*
I dare you to dress up as a maid in front of everyone(or anyone):3
Request from YanderePurpleFoxy
All your drawings are Wonderful that drawing is not bad... it is Awesome!!!!!!!
I'm not cute......I'm not tiny......////.-_-\\\\
No your Adorable...And stubby
I love it..THANK YOU SO MUCH*hugs*
Requested from Alex :'D
Could you draw me :)
Break down
I hate meh little sister
UnderFell Sans X UnderLust Sans
You guys have an drawing ideas
Draw Lust and Fell....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
My nightmare
T~T Noooooooooo...Meh Shipppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My hair is not that blonde!!!!
That was almost 3days ago this was in the morning I was half asleep...sorry Superfriend
I’m not sorry
DONT DONT DO IT *takes out gun puts it to head*IF YOU SHOOT YOURSELF ILL SHOOT ME...............I’m sorry and I mean it I won’t do anything like this picture again.
I cant do anything ....
I want you to know do not let someone tell you that let them know you are stronger than that don’t let nobody boss you like that.
Why do people tell me i look cute with my hair down ?
Alice you look cute with your hair down and that is the truth...don’t be embarrassed.
Got bored
What are ya up too :p
Hey Alice