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Hello! Me: Name: zero Male Crush: lonely bean My friends can call me Z or ero- But I have no friends ;'3
7 跟随 1 追随者
I've been reading books of old The legends and the myths Achilles and his gold Hercules and his gifts Spiderman's control And Batman with his fists And clearly I don't see myself upon that list..
im sorry..whats the point? im busy irl and never on here so sorry .bye i love u.
it will make u and ur crush happy..plus im never on
sorry but i have to ot will make u happy ;3
hey luna? im leaving..
Anyone have a crush on me??
ahem u cant >:<
oof XD
im done
Its fine..
Oops I spammed) u can love Conner but I just want u to know..I'll love u either way..
It's fine midnight...i don't mind anymore
Well u shouldn't..
I feel so guilty!!
U don't have to like me Luna.. I get it
Just love Conner ( I forgot his name-) I'm useless for u anyway :3
Y-yeah.. *wipes my tears*...I still Like u though but I'll be 'fine' :'3
Pls no!... If u don't like like me then..we could just be friends and I'll try and find another crush.m
Any dares? :3
midnight u lied to me..
me as human form-