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Hello! I’m the worst drawer in the world please don’t spend your time on this crappy art
0 フォロー中 0 フォロワー
Зелёный Человечек от Амира
Someone else’s
-who say imou not have BOOBS ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
Best friends
Sad Love (Description:youll cry and its a heart touching if your sad)
This actually made me cry
Loosing my mind meme
Lyricist: feel like I’m losing my mind Wait o this is a comment seeys
Edward (Fullmetal alchemist)
Noice. I watched this anime and if you watch anime your a legend I’m sad I can’t watch it on crunchy role any more
Isint this Creepy OR.....
Todoroki :0 WHAT HaVE DEY DONE TO U!
Like Tamila from Ed’s world! Sorry if I spelled it wrong
Circus baby
How can you kill a teddy bear with blood and p people who disliked this said Dis-I-like