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i hate all of u, i was cringe, i dislike furries, i dont support certain people in the lgbt, i like metal.

weezer and jojo>>>>

my pronouns: nor/mal.

join date: july 21, 2018

46 Following     54 Follower


Just thinking

average gay

1 years ago   Reply


Oh uh I’m okay-

3 years ago   Reply


How are you bestie

3 years ago   Reply (1)

A chicken I once knew

h e y y y y lime :))

3 years ago   Reply (1)

I remember when orange was telling cyan to spank him

h i have bought the game-
am now addicted

3 years ago   Reply

Pick a spot

1- ?
dont put m e put h i y o k o sAiOnJi😼

3 years ago   Reply

hello again~

A h Do you have d I s c o r d?

3 years ago   Reply

HI haha

:0 A h sorry for the late reply I got ⛤Grounded⛤ any yeah of course we can be friends !

3 years ago   Reply

I got really sick

Can I please arson your mother ? She has no right to speak to you like that.

3 years ago   Reply

✨another random post

Oh hey Galaxy-
You remember the dIsCusTaNg Rat @Wolfywoofy ?
Yeah that was me ;-; Sorry for everything I did and said back then, I was really stupid.
I was wondering if we could be friends since we have common interests! -Hanako

3 years ago   Reply