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Follow my TikTok @X_Chandler.fan_X :}
27 Following 12 Follower
Please gimme something to do
Do a dare vid??
I like shibas
Luna: Hey I’m new
Yay finally
Dare2:Yeet me off a cliff
Hug a tree and propose to it!
R u really 7 lol
Q1:Mia:Are we friends:3
Mia: ouch
Q and A for Kiwi
Mia:Are we friends:3
Mr. Cheese Burger And Ms.Cheese Burger Says Gm
Morning ☺️
Eye close
Hey ¡GuyMakesComics! this is the same person who said they were gonna quit and rename their acc XxCatsxX hope u remember me
Should I dye a bit of my hair a different colour??
Maybe a lil blue?
Someone asked me why have a got rainbow on my face
That’s rude of that person!
Q3:What’s ur fav animal
Rawr lol
Q1:Which country do you live in?
What’s ur fav animal
Dare Robin
Kiss one of my ocs
Dare1:Do something romantic for Bean
Can you buy a turtle as a dare
Q and A for Ronnie
What’s up
Dare skye
Kiss a cat
Tik tok
Cool aswell