§ Codys Butter §

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Warriorcats oc
Name: Smokeystar
Warriors name: Smokeyfur
Rank: Leader
Fur: Smokeyblue-ish gray.
Gender: Female
Name: Hazelpelt
Rank: Deputy
Fur: Darkbrown with white hair, tail, paws with white spots on back
Gender: Male
Medicine cat
Name: Willowstream
Rank: Medicine cat
Fur: Lightgray fur with white chest and belly and dark blue-ish stripes
Gender: Female
Name: Daisypaw
Rank: Medicine cat apprentice
Mentor: Willowstream
Fur: White fur with light orange ears and tail
Gender: Female
Name: Oakpaw
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor: Amberheart
Fur: Dark brown with light brown stripes
Gender: Male
Kin: Mudpatch
Name: Tawnypaw
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor: Snowheart
Fur: A black, orange and white patches
Gender: Female
Name: Barkstripe
Rank: Senior Warrior
Fur: Brown with black stripes
Gender: Male
Mate: Spottedreed
Name: Stormfall
Rank: Senior Warrior
Fur: Gray fur with black back and tail
Gender: Male
Mate: Ashtail
Name: Sunwhisker
Rank: Senior Warrior
Fur: A black and orange pelt
Gender: Male
Name: Amberheart
Rank: Senior Warrior
Fur: Yellow- ish and orange pelt
Gender: Male
Name: Snowheart
Rank: Senior Warrior
Fur: White with gray fluffy fur
Gender: Female
Name: Mudpatch
Rank: Senior Warrior
Fur: Black and dark brown patch
Gender: Female
Kin: Oakpaw
Name: Petaldusk
Rank: Young Warrior
Fur: A sandy pelt with light orange back
Gender: Female
Name: Mapletail
Rank: Young Warrior
Fur: Orange with black, red-ish, white tail
Gender: Female
Name: Spottedreed
Rank: Queen
Fur: Brown, and white chest and belly with red spots
Gender: Female
Mate: Barkstripe
Kits: Mudpatch, Oakpaw, Rosekit
Name: Ashtail
Rank: Queen
Fur: Gray pelt with darker gray stripe and tail
Gender: Female
Mate: Stormfall
Kits: Windkit and Swiftkit
Name: Hailclaw
Rank: Elder
Fur: Darkgray with white spots on back
Gender: Male
Kin: Stormfall
Name: Rowanmask
Rank: Elder
Fur: White fur with red-ish colour on face
Gender: Female
Name: Alderstar
Warriors name: Alderstorm
Rank: Leader
Fur: Red-ish brown fur
Gender: Male
Name: Boulderclaw
Rank: Deputy
Fur: Light gray fur with Dark gray on the head to the tail
Gender: Male
Medicine cat
Name: Leapfeather
Rank: Medicine cat
Fur: White fur with gray stripes and gray tail
Gender: Female
Name: Raggedtail
Rank: Senior Warrior
Fur: Darkbrown and black stripes with a half bitten tail
Gender: Male
Name: Blackstep
Rank: Senior Warrior
Fur: Dark fur on the back with dark paws
Gender: Male
Name: Petalshine
Rank: Senior Warrior
Fur: Yellow-ish Orange With light brown stripes on legs and tail
Gender: Female
Name: Thrushflight
Rank: Young Warrior
Fur: Sandy fur with dark brown and black spots on back and chest
Gender: Male
Name: Mothtail
Rank: Young Warrior
Fur: Darkbrown fur with light brown paws and pale tail
Gender: Female


9 Following     175 Follower

  § Codys Butter §

Feel like I want to start a new account again

This account is messy and filled with a bunch of crappy stuff dats all, and me wanna start all over again

5 years ago   Reply
  § Codys Butter §

My actual artstyle... i didnt show it here Cuz its C R I N G E

Dude, this is awsome.. I give it a 100 and brofist. 😔👊

5 years ago   Reply
  § Codys Butter §

Have a tired looking Tigerclaw


5 years ago   Reply
  § Codys Butter §

Sero: He’s been doing that for weeks now..

Ty again, you too need more followers uwu

5 years ago   Reply
  § Codys Butter §


Damn this is g o o d

5 years ago   Reply
  § Codys Butter §

Moon for hw

This is hella cute Lloyd!

5 years ago   Reply
  § Codys Butter §


MMMM I will try it in the future uwu

5 years ago   Reply