このユーザをブロック このユーザを通報
*waves* Name: Frostbite Gender: female Age: ??? Likes: ??? Dislikes: ??? Crush: ??? Fact: Frostbite dosnt speak and if she touches anything it freezes that is why she wears gloves and she can not be in heat for very long or she dies
7 フォロー中 4 フォロワー
The Choice
*freezes him*
The Milk
*takes off my gloves and touches silver and he freezes*
My Babies
*sighn language* there so cute
New oc
*gives thumbs up*
somebody help me i'm stuck in the snow!!!!
*puts on my gloves and pulls Shadow out*
It Hurts So Much... I Can't Stop Laughing
*sighn language* or else what...?
there's a animal.....inside of me....you can't.....control...
......*just stares*
*whatches the fight from the shadows*
*sighn language* is there anything you need
I Can't Get Up
*nods and smiles a little*
*thinks* .....*runs off and comes back wearing some gloves* *helps Ender up*
*sighn language* if I touch anything it freezes
*sighn language* I would help you up but I can't touch anything
*sighn language* you should see a doctor and find out when the baby is coming
*sighn language* do you know when the baby is coming
*uses sighn language* is everything ok?
Mind control?
*nods and smiles a bit*
*taps Ender on the shoulder and point at the thing on his neck*
Oh no..
No Title
Fact: never shows eyes