Im Kinda A Monster

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  Im Kinda A Monster


It's not you lazy! It's mellows yet again

11 years ago   Reply
  Im Kinda A Monster

Jahcjspqjxlahcjlx Ian LAN obdlncimfbpanckqbcoandhfjdncbriw

It's not you lazy. You're a nice fun's another person..

11 years ago   Reply
  Im Kinda A Monster

Jahcjspqjxlahcjlx Ian LAN obdlncimfbpanckqbcoandhfjdncbriw

I didn't do anything to you so stop saying shit about me. You make me depressive mood even worse with your names, calling "effects" after me and blaming me for shit.

11 years ago   Reply
  Im Kinda A Monster

Jahcjspqjxlahcjlx Ian LAN obdlncimfbpanckqbcoandhfjdncbriw

What the fuck did I ever do to you?! Why can't you just leave me alone if all you're going to do is be a vindictive brat?!

11 years ago   Reply