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Hello I'm only 18 and I go to school and I can't tell you my school and my favourites are the colors (blue,pink,purple,Aqua,green) for more information ask me
15 Following 22 Follower
My new account is going to be manglethehorriblewolf
To fast
I ruined Aqua's wedding
-walks home in a sad way-
Why Mangle Why?
What have I done ;-;
Freddy,Bonnie,Chica, and Foxy
-gets last bottle and hits thegreatyeti with it-
-gets another glass bottle and hits artsyfox with it-
My bad >.<
Fuck ya -gets glass bottle and hits Aqua with it-
Dare me
Why do I need to kiss my crush (but okay)
New Look
Do you also want to know why I exited for tomarrow
I only faint because I love your new look
Yassssss I'm just exited for tomarrow
AHHH!!! Cute -Faints-
I'm having a party at 3:45
I'm coming to both Aqua (why did I did not put on wensday)
Me as ghost
Can I make this to
Dare me!
I dare you to scream out your name on the top of your lungs
For manglethewolfartist
Thanks it's awsome
My wedding dress for aqua's wedding
My family's theme songs/ (bonus at the end :D )
I love all of these song
For phoneguy1000
I will follow both of you