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*blushes more and since she tackled me licks her cheek and purrs more* <3
*purrs louder and tail is rubbing up against Alice and blushes* :3
(Oops I misspelled that no green eye just an amber and blue one :p)
( in cat form I'm a completly black cat but stomach area and up chest is white with one green Amber colored eye and one light blue ) *nuzzles back and tail rubs against her*
(Alexander: *records and sends it to Madison with the text saying* DUDE THE SHIP HAS SAILED!!!!!) (Madison: *replys* called it~) (Alexander: *grabs people in room and walks out*) *licks her cheek and purrs lightly*
*turns into cat form and walks over to her and nuzzles her chest* ^W^
Ya know the cute thing? (Mulligan: ????) Alice thinks I don't know that she's actually in the room with us *looks directly where Alice is*
(Laurence: oh yeah.....) so I've seen some shit this wasn't even the worst (mulligan: yeah....I was there too that's how we met right) yep *highfives him* (mulligan: *highfives back* remember that one chick p-) *coughs* WE CANT TALK ABOUT HER (mulligan: *
*gets off him and places hand on his cheek* you need to rest....... (Laurence: but-) OMG JUST GO TO SLEEP *puts hands in hoodie pockets* (laurence: how'd you heal and fix me......) before I fought in the war I healed people and helped them remember? (Laur
Ok..... *snaps fingers* (Laurence: *wakes up and sees is healed* ....where's mint) *jumps on him and hugs him* YOU WENT IN THE HALL DIDNT YOU (Laurence: y.yeah....*hugs back tightly*) DONT DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Ok..... *heals his body and wraps vines around it then snaps fingers and vines dissapear and he's completly healed but arm is still broke* LAF MULL (Laffyet mulligan: *have med kit and gives it to mint*) *wraps his arm with cast thing*
*puts numbing magic on Laurence's broken bone* I'm scared of broken bones so I'm just gonna turn around but you need to set it (Alexander: *nods*) *turns around* (Alexander: *grabs his arm and pops it back into place*) *turns back around and gags at sound
TO HELP HIM *sighs* guys ok laf mulligan go get medical kit (Laffyet: *salutes* OK *grabs mulligan and pulls him with him to back room*) Alexander you help me (Alexander: ok...,)
(Mulligan: Zina and anti......they said there just continuing this till they get to you enventiuly said something about a prophecy...?) N.NOTHING D.DONT W.WORRY A.ABOUT T.THE W.WAR OR PROPHECY (all: what war and prophecy???) NEVERMIND LISTEN WE NEED TO HE
(Laurence: *is covered in blood and unconscious arm is broken*) WHÔ DÎD THÎ$?!!!!
Where is he...... *is still running with thomas* (Thomas: his room with laf Alexander and mulligan) *nods and grabs him again and runs to Laurence's room* (mulligan Laffyet Alexander: MINT THOMAS THANK GOD YOUR HERE) (Laurence: *is covered in blood and u
I love yous...... (Thomas: *busts through the doors and is covered in blood* MINT I KNOW YOU HATE ME BUT LISTEN) okayyyyyy....? Who's the bloods? (Thomas: L.LAURENCE) *eyes turn into Xs and runs grabs Thomas and runs to hall*